Survey of accounting (financial) statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and their explanations
Within the framework of audit services, BDO specialists in Turkmenistan offer services for conducting a review of accounting (financial) statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and their explanations.
A review is a review by a team of auditors regarding information reflected in financial statements, including analytical procedures, inquiries, analysis of the reasonableness of disclosures, the comparability of reporting data with reports for previous periods and forward-looking indicators in order to establish the facts indicating possible violations in application of IFRS.
A review ensures that you receive an independent opinion of the auditor on the basis of a professional judgment that there is no negative in the organization of the accounting system in accordance with IFRS.
Based on the results of the audit, your company will be able to obtain information on the main problems in the operation of the enterprise, which can serve as a basis for making operational decisions and conducting deeper audits and audits.