Cyber Security Audit

Cyber Security Audit

The business of the XXI century directly depends on the technologies that are used in a complex integrated environment. Technologies are subject to various types of threats - from targeted cyber attacks to compromise confidential corporate data to an accidental violation of the integrity of critical data by the user.


Cyber ​​threats do not know borders either between countries or between organizations; they are intangible and unpredictable. The impact of cyber threats every year increases worldwide by 50%. The slow pace of protection contributes to the actions of cybercriminals, so in a competitive environment, entrepreneurs need to be proactive and pay special attention to the issue of cybersecurity.

Information security risk is a dynamically changing process, so management must take a holistic and integrated approach to information and cyber security. Today, installing one antivirus and firewall is not enough to fully protect the company's information assets.


We will help you in understanding the concept of a unified and integrated approach, which includes the definition of critical data and business processes, information security risk assessment, organizational, technical, physical control measures, etc.

How does an information security system help you achieve your business goals?


To ensure the preservation and protection of intellectual property, confidential client information and other information that is critical for running a business must have a comprehensive security strategy that is closely related to the goals and objectives of the business.


The cybersecurity audit process is based on international standards, methodologies and best world practices.


We believe that the principle of in-depth protection (defense-in-depth) is the key to the reasonable confidence of interested parties in the protection of their information assets.

Our staff employs certified information systems auditors (CISA), information security specialists.